Sleep Paralysis
"Have you ever felt like you were awake but unable to move? You might have even felt afraid but could not call for help? This condition is called sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis may leave you feeling frightened, especially if you also see or hear things that aren't really there. Sleep paralysis may happen only once, or you may have it frequently -- even several times a night. The good news: sleep paralysis is not considered a dangerous health problem."
Astral Projection and OOBE wiki page
"Astral projection (or astral travel) is an esoteric interpretation of any form of out-of-body experience (OOBE) that assumes the existence of an "astral body" separate from the physical body and capable of traveling outside it. Astral projection or travel denotes the astral body leaving the physical body to travel in the astral plane."
Lucid Dream wiki page
"A lucid dream is a dream in which the sleeper is aware that he or she is dreaming. When the dreamer is lucid, he or she can actively participate in and often manipulate the imaginary experiences in the dream environment. Lucid dreams can seem extremely real and vivid depending on a person's level of self-awareness during the lucid dream."
When you sleep, your brain never falls asleep. You just go in and out of sleep cycles that vary your level of awareness. Your brain goes through these different sleep cycles that are measured in Hertz (Hz). When you experience Sleep Paralysis, you find yourself aware in an aware state that is just as real as a physical waking state. But the fact remains, if anyone were to look at you while SP was happening, they would see you comfortably asleep.
The key is to control your fear of Sleep Paralysis. It is the doorway to Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection (OOBE). When you go OOBE, you are NOT actually leaving your body. That is an illusion. Everything that is happening, is happening in your head as you sleep. The experience is VERY real, and very vivid if you do it right.
The best way to learn how to do any of this stuff, is through meditation or light sleep. Catnaps while sitting up work great. But there's alot of different ways to experience these states of mind. The key is learning to control them. Once you do that, you are pretty much limited only by your own fears. - Toby
For the past few years I have had contact with invisible beings and out of body experiences; all in bed. I've also had many experiences with lucid dreaming. I don’t know why it happens -- it just happens. A typical occurrence is me waking up, completely paralyzed (yet fully conscious), able to feel and hear things happening in the room. I believe the first time I actually encountered a being was my third semester in college when I was lying on my belly in my room with all of the lights on, taking a nap. No one else was in the room, and I woke up paralyzed, unable to move. I heard (what sounded like) many whispers, all in different (possibly the same, but definitely foreign) languages. I could not make out exactly what any of the whispers were, but I did get this: “veng-eance” with a long draw on the “g.” It was a sad and moppy tone, but I heard it clearly, in my right ear specifically … In other attacks I’ve heard angry voices yelling at me and ending with “you’re going to burn in hell.”
ReplyDeleteAnyway I started a forum for people who have similar experiences:
Come check it out sometime.
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