Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The matrix could be a true story

So I'm updating this after a bit of a break. Sometimes this metaphysical/spiritual stuff can get heavy and weigh a mind down, proving gravity is more than a physical thing. But in the end I would like to think of my mind as being more aware of the possibilities of our existence, as opposed as to the narrow and mechanical view of reality that many are accustomed to.

Ancestor Simulation. Is reality an illusion?

One extraordinary concept of modern thought is the idea that life as we know it and perceive it may not be as real as it seems. This theory holds that each one of us may represent no more than a model within a giant computer simulation run by a super civilisation of the future.

Post Human Civilisation.

Some even theorise that such a program may actually be the work of a post human civilisation out to construct a vivid and totally authentic simulation of what life was like thousands of years in the past. This of course means that we would be living out a simulation of events as a form of entertainment orchestrated for the enjoyment of a civilisation that may not even be of human origin.

Just to emphasise the true depth of this concept it is important to mention that this simulation would be just one of millions like it, alhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifl run to different specifications and each one representing a distinctly altered view of the world as seen from the perspective of billions of separate individuals. The name of this idea is Ancestor Simulation. -http://www.nasca.org.uk/Ancestor/ancestor

How does one know if he/she lives in a virtual reality?

A virtual reality appears physical to those inside of it – indeed, the perception of the characters in the virtual reality defines the meaning of “physical” within that reality. The tipoff that their reality is virtual is that those inside of the virtual reality will never be able to discover what they would see as a physical cause (from their perspective) for their reality because there can be none.
An example: The World of Warcraft (WOW) characters and their environment appear physical from the point of view of the characters. Now imagine that these WOW characters trying to think up a "physical" cause for their world. There is none... their reality is virtual -- created within an information system that is necessarily non-physical from the point of view of the WOW characters. There is no initial cause or process to the WOW characters and set that is "physical" in terms of what the WOW characters think of as physical. The server that hosts WOW must be in an entirely different reality frame than the virtual reality it creates.

One of the current big mystery in PMR (physical matter reality) physics is what existed and happened before the big Bang. Surely, since all reality is physical, our physical reality had to evolve from something physical. Yet, according to physicists, the Big Bang remains a singular event with no past, no cause. Attempts to describe possible causes are more desperate than logical and none carry much credibility with the physics community. It appears to the great majority of today’s physicists that our universe simply popped out of nothing! Unfortunately, that conclusion does not lead physicists to reevaluate their sacred assumptions.

The larger consciousness system is the computer and our virtual reality evolved from the big digital bang when the figurative "run button" was hit in a reality frame that must necessarily lie outside of the “physical” frame that exists within the virtual PMR reality.

Bottom line: The concept of a virtual reality provides a simple solution to the current Big Bang causality problem in physics and solves a host of other mysteries (both in physics and metaphysics) at the same time. Centuries ago we knew for sure the earth couldn't be round (even though the data and logic (good science) had shown that earth was a sphere hundreds of years earlier) because if it was, everything on the other side would fall off and the oceans would drain away -- any fool could see that. -Thomas Campbell

Monday, April 11, 2011

The man who can summon UFO's

Everything and Nothing




Jersusalem UFO

"In the time of the Mahdi, a Muslim in the East will be able to see his Muslim brother in the West, and he in the West will see him in the East". -Bihar al-Anwar: 52:391 (The Holy Quaran)

"Even the time the regular sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate set up, a thousand two hundred and ninety days shall occur.
Blessed is he who waits and comes to the thousand three hundred and thirty five days." - Daniel 12:11

This post does not reflect my personal beliefs or opinions. I posted it purely for information sake. -Toby

FBI releases UFO reports

The Vault - FBI

Rosell report

***I would like to this with some information. The report could possibly be from a field officer who attended one of Frank Scullys UFO lectures in 1950.***

Link to Frank Scullys book

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Where to start?

To start into the realm of the metaphysical, OOBE (astral projection), lucid dreaming, meditation, chaos, life after death, aliens, UFO's, bigfoot, GOD, gods, 2012, black helicopters 9/11 and computer simulations as our reality, one must realize that there is no actual distance between time and space. Zero. Nothing. These concepts do not translate well into our everyday experience, yet everything we know is based on math and numbers. I will not lie, I am horrible at math. But at the same time, I think therefore I am.

NASA Evidence of Ancient Martian Life
Digital Physics
The Universe - Solved!
TMI - The Monroe Institute
My Big Toe - Thomas Campbell


Get the full version HERE

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


"Transhumanism is an international intellectual and cultural movement that affirms the possibility and desirability of fundamentally transforming the human condition by developing and making widely available technologies to eliminate aging and to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities. Transhumanist thinkers study the potential benefits and dangers of emerging technologies that could overcome fundamental human limitations, as well as study the ethical matters involved in developing and using such technologies.They predict that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into beings with such greatly expanded abilities as to merit the label "posthuman". Transhumanism is therefore viewed as a subset of philosophical "posthumanism".

Transhumanism wiki link

What is Reality?

Friday, January 21, 2011


The point of this blog is to spread information. I have no cultish agenda, BUT...

Sometimes people ask me "what do you think is going to happen in 2012?". Sometimes people say "shut up about 2012, Toby". How 2012 affects everyone personally is subjective. BUT, if I we're to make a prediction, it would be that 2012 will be a new way to measure time.

That's right, in objective terms, I just made a 2012 prediction. Time will tell if I am right. If not, I doubt the time will be the same, so I will be correct no matter what. Thank Jesus C. for pattern recognition. :)

Betelguese to possible go supernova by 2012

The Star Wars-esque scenario could happen by 2012


This gets me really giddy for some reason -T

Friday, January 7, 2011

Journal’s Paper on ESP Expected to Prompt Outrage

One of psychology’s most respected journals has agreed to publish a paper presenting what its author describes as strong evidence for extrasensory perception, the ability to sense future events.

Journal’s Paper on ESP Expected to Prompt Outrage

Thursday, January 6, 2011



The past 8 years have been absolutely the most intense years of my life. 2 combat tours to Iraq (1 combat wounded) along with a pretty tough mental battle with diagnosed PTSD and traumatic brain injury (TBI,) has pretty much driven my interest into the metaphysical. Part of this battle is coming to correct terms with the physical. I credit the person I am to my friends, family, music (hardcore especially), TMI and Fluoxetine (Prozac). I had to make a tough decision to go on anti-depressants after I realized that my fears and paranoia were manifesting into my own reality, causing some pretty extreme delusions.

The combination of constant research, reading, mediation, exploration into OOBE/ lucid dreaming and open-mindedness, has led me to the state I am now. I feel the best I have in 7 years. I have always tried to maintain a positive attitude, but as I would look back into the past over the last couple years, the past seemed very dark, which in turn caused my future to seem the same way. I knew deep down that these perceptions were cause of what I experienced in Iraq. But these feelings were so heavy and real that I knew I had to break through some tough belief barriers to get myself back to a stable mental state that I feel I am finally reaching.

There's so many corridors for you to explore
Just when you think you've seen it all, you find something more
Always one more isle to pursue in this department store
Just be sure you don't forget to purchase what you came for

Take a look around do you like what you see
A vast ocean of opportunity
You can always make a change if your view does not suit you
So many splendid paths from which to choose
You can't lose

Stumbling through the world one day I met a man of depth
He was kind and spoke wisely this is what he said
"For what it's worth life's worth the wait
Try to sample life from many plates
Paint your life use palates with many paints
And in gold you'll be worth your wait"

Lose sight of yourself for a while
And act foolishly just like a child
Make sure you live your life out of style
Break free from the rank and file

An endless storybook always another page
And each chapter can end the way you choose
You've been cast the leading role and your whole life's a stage
Experience is the one thing you can't lose
You can't lose
- 98 Mute

This is the background story of this blog. Those who know me, know I am always willing to help and give advice to anyone who asks. So feel free to ask through facebook, email or this blog. tobiascore@hotmail.com

The Monroe Institute
Prozac (Fluoxetine)


Have scientists discovered how to create downpours in the desert?

Technology created 50 rainstorms in Abu Dhabi's Al Ain region last year

No more is weather modulation one for just the conspiracy theorists to rant about. -T

Strange things

5,000 dead birds in Arkansas

100,000 dead fish in Arkansas

2,000,000 dead fish in Maryland

Dozens of dead birds in Kentucky

Hundreds of dead fish in New Zealand

40,000 crabs in England

Pelicans falling from sky along the west coast


This is a awesome documentary on Panspermia; the theory that biological life was seeding from a comet or meteor.